- 1962 – J.C.R. Licklider (1915-1990) introduced the idea of an ‘Intergalactic Network: His idea involved a global computer network that allowed everyone to access information from anywhere in the world. He became head of Defence Advanced Research Project Agency (DARPA/APRA), convincing his successors of the importance of the network.
- 1965 – MAILBOX was the first email system. It was first used at Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
Following are the list of Linux commands and scripts, which will be helpful in managing and debugging network and bandwidth: arpwatch – Ethernet Activity Monitor. bmon – bandwidth monitor and rate estimator. bwm-ng – live network bandwidth monitor. curl – transferring data with URLs. (or try httpie) darkstat – captures network traffic, usage statistics. dhclient … Read More “Linux Commands” »